We are in process with several different projects right now. But never fear! We will finish everything up by Friday.First we paper mached the small bowl. After is was dry and trimmed, we glued it to the big bowl.
We put several layers of paper mache on the bowls. We used two sizes of bowls to create a pedestal bowl. Once the paper mache was dry, it was time to trim the edges and make our last adjustments and "fixes" before painting.
Then we glued the bowls together and paper mached the join to hide it. Now, after it's dry, it's ready to paint.
We moved on to painting pots. These pots, after painting, will be decoupaged with fun images. They will be perfect colorful additions to any garden!
The campers really enjoyed painting.
This one looks like a gift!Sorry the picture is so blurry, but I had to include it - doesn't this camper look so happy?? And isn't her pot beautiful?!
This one contained a LOT of detail.
After painting the pots, we started our glue oil pastel drawings. This is the first step. The campers drew a picture of anything they wanted on a piece of cardboard. Then we followed the outline of the drawing with a thick bead of glue. Once it dries we can use our oil pastel crayons to color and blend our pictures.
The picture on the lower right is pretty interesting. This camper plans to use a combination of the oil pastels along with adding some details in ink. I can't wait to see how this one turns out.
Last, but definitely not least, we worked on these yarn octopi. I hadn't planned on doing these with the campers, but they saw the ones on the counter from our crochet class in the morning and really wanted to make some - so of course I had to say yes! They had so much fun with these!