I am continually amazed at what our students can do - and WANT to do. I am so lucky to be able to teach to students who truly are engaged and excited about their art. We do so much knitting and crochet (that is what this class is all about!), but we also do so many other things.
Making a small wallet.
Learning to read patterns with notations like: K2tog and kfb - not an easy task!
It takes a long time to make a scarf.
I was inspired by an art teacher named Cassis Stephens. She taught this circle weaving class to her students. It looked like so much fun that I decided to bring it to our students.
Aren't the bases for our circle weaving beautiful! Just wait until they add the details and then some weaving to them.
These students really love to play hopscotch. It appears that this is an "old time" game because while they knew some of the basics, they really didn't know how to play. I happily taught them the rules and away they went.
Sometimes, they are having so much fun, it is hard to get them to stop playing and come back to knit or crochet.
We don't always knit with knitting needles. This student brought her knitting loom to class to work on.
Spool knitting continues to be a huge hit.
I made these weaving boards for noon art and held back a few for knitting class. They make perfect bookmarks after being taken off the board! The best part? These boards can be used over and over again and are made with recycled (cereal boxes) cardboard.
REALLY? A 10 year old knitting on circular needles?! Yes!
I can't wait until the bases are finished so that they can start the warping and weaving!